[IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos + Vieyra Estudio - Cárpatos - COVER IMG] Rafael Gamo courtesy of IUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos + Vieyra Estudio


PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Residential Architecture - Single Family
Firm LocationAvenida Bucareli 108, Interior: 104 Colonia: Centro Delegación: Cuauhtémoc CP 06000, Ciudad de México, Mexico
CompanyIUA Ignacio Urquiza Arquitectos + Vieyra Estudio
Lead ArchitectIgnacio Urquiza Seoane, Lorena Vieyra
Design TeamAna Laura Ochoa, Anet Carmona, Michela Lostia di Santa Sofía, Jimena Trejo

The project is located in Mexico City, in a 400 m² site, with a 10-meter frontage and a 40-meter depth. Front and rear restrictions of 5 meters and a 3-meter lateral setback defined the construction perimeter. Our design aimed to maximize interior space while creating a sense of openness and a continuous relationship with the exterior. A perimeter garden surrounds three sides of the steel and glass structure. A central garden adjacent to vertical circulations enhances this indoor-outdoor connection and regulates ambient temperature.