[Anne Carrier Architecture - Centre De Services Le Bonnallie - COVER IMG] Stéphane Groleau

Centre De Services Le Bonnallie

PrizeWinner in Architectural Design / Recreational Architecture
Firm LocationLévis, Canada
CompanyAnne Carrier Architecture
Lead ArchitectAnne Carrier
Design TeamRobert Boily B.Arch./ B.Sc.A., Patricia Pronovost architect, Mathieu St-Amant architect
ClientSocieté des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq)

This building is characterized by its superb interplay between opacity and transparency and between interior and exterior. It is very carefully integrated into its setting, following the site’s topography so closely that the building appears to be sculpted from the landscape itself. The mix of materials and colours gives it character, while creating clear boundaries between different spaces.