SMW Nursery

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Educational Buildings
Firm Location4-18-1,Iiyama South,Astugi,Kanagawa #243-0218, Japan
CompanyHIBINOSEKKEI + Youji no Shiro
Lead ArchitectTaku Hibino

This is a nursery located in Kanagawa, Japan. In recent years, due to excessive care from adults and passive learning in after-school, children’s play gets limited, meaning they lose their opportunity to think and play by themselves. Hence the concept: “Cultivate Independence”. By considering how to make gaps and steps for children to play, place courtyards, encourage outside play, and bring more nature inside, we aimed for the children to discover new and fun things by themselves, cultivating a challenging spirit. Many of the experiences children can take part in here will develop their independence.