[gad · line+ studio, Greenton Architecture Design Co., Ltd.  - Jiangnan Secret Land Cultural Exchange Center - COVER IMG] gad · line+ studio

Jiangnan Secret Land Cultural Exchange Center

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Recreational Architecture
Firm LocationHangzhou, China
Companygad · line+ studio, Greenton Architecture Design Co., Ltd.
Lead ArchitectMeng Fanhao
Design TeamHe Yaliang, Tao Tao
ClientJiande Jiangnan Secret Travel Development Co., Ltd.

The design is based on the terrain, and the building is naturally placed on the mountain with a retraction treatment. Through the landscape design, pedestrians are guided to the first floor of the building, and the function streamlines are combed to ensure the best view of the landscape. The concrete material is integrally poured and the wood grain texture template is used to polish the special delicate and textured modern clear water wall, and the clear water concrete sandwich wall is used to avoid the secondary decoration caused by the exposure of the equipment.