[IDOM - Beronia Rueda Winery - COVER IMG] General view / Aitor Ortiz

Beronia Rueda Winery

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Agricultural Buildings
Firm LocationMadrid, Spain
Lead ArchitectGonzalo Tello
Design TeamAlmudena García Bacarizo, Borja Gómez, Andreia Faley, Carlos Sambricio

The new winery, as well as taking care of what is required for the production of high quality white wines by incorporating the latest developments and technology in the field of oenology, had to satisfy a wine tourism programme and generate an attractive image in keeping with the character of the wines produced within. The structure of the winery was solved by 6 wall porticoes and great concrete beams that clear a 10 m span, which support double-T prefab slabs up to 14m long. The latter are responsible for giving the interior space and exterior volume a unitary image.