[FrameArt + UrbanSustain - Strategy masterplan of urban transition of Turkistan City - COVER IMG] Urban Transition of Trukistan City

Strategy masterplan of urban transition of Turkistan City

PrizeHonorable Mention in Landscape Architecture / Urban Planning
Firm LocationNur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Project locationRepublic of Kazakhstan, Turkistan city
CompanyFrameArt + UrbanSustain
Lead ArchitectAleksandr Khvan, Roman Pomazan
Design TeamARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING: Aleksandra Kovalenko, Nick Gorokhov, Inna Maksimyuk, Denis Kozak, Aleksandr Lazurenko, Aleksandr Sedlerov, Margarita Litvin, Vladlen Nabutovsky, Anna Voznyak FIELD STUDIES: Aleksandr Khvan, Roman Pomazan, Eugene Vashchenko, Olena Denysenko, Sayan Kabjalelov ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY: Pavel Ostapenko, Olena Denysenko URBAN ENGINEERING: Diana Chaykovskaya BIOCLIMATICS AND B

The Project appeal to understanding of Great Steppe nomad civilization and it synergy coexistence on the border of urban civilizations of Asia, rethinking the role of nomadic people in metamorphoses of the entire World; research of correlations between ancient nomads and modern digital nomadic culture.Main objectives are: -growth of powerful business, touristic and industrial hub in Central Asia -empowering of culture,creative industries;establishment of culture capital of the Turkic World along with Samarkand, Iskhafan, Agra and Bukhara -heritage care,biodivirsity,ecology issues mitigation