[Ballman Khapalova - St. John's Park - COVER IMG] St. John's Park Overall View/ Ballman Khapalova

St. John's Park

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Transportation
Firm LocationIthaca, United States
CompanyBallman Khapalova
Lead ArchitectPeter Ballman and Dasha Khapalova
Design TeamSciame Construction, Thornton Tomasetti, Transsolar KlimaEngineering, Persak & Wurmfeld, BPDL

Once a neighborhood square, St. John’s Park is now a traffic circle, passed through by 100,000 people per day. Five off-ramps sever any connection between its center and the city around it— 2 acres of open space in Manhattan are unbuildable and permanently closed to the public. Generated from the geometry of the existing offramps so that traffic continues unimpeded, this proposal gives the space back to the city: a continuous loop creates intimate parks at street level and excavates the center of the site to create an open-air central piazza surrounded by public and cultural interior spaces.