[Inca Hernandez Arquitectura - Mar Mediterraneo 34 - COVER IMG] Mar Mediterraneo 34 / Joao Morgado - Architecture Photography

Mar Mediterraneo 34

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Restoration & Renovation
Firm LocationMéxico City, Mexico
Project locationTacuba, Mexico City
CompanyInca Hernandez Arquitectura
Lead ArchitectInca Hernandez
Design TeamAna Ximena García, Inca Hernández, Raíz Mx, Adrián González, Gabriela Llovera Arciniegas, Luis Enrique Vargas

Mar Mediterraneo 34 rescued a 1910 house in Mexico City. The project generates a second life for the abandoned house and its neighborhood, implementing the restoration of the original elements, such as the main façade, the balconies and lintels, the blacksmith railings, the glass tiles on the cornice, reincorporating it into the new urban image. The contemporary intervention created 7 typologies of apartments, three contemporary patios that open views and lattices allowing the entry of natural light; all together acquiring a unique character with an ingenious dialogue between the two periods.