Song Mansion

PrizeHonorable Mention in Interior Design / Apartments Interior
Firm LocationHong Kong, Hong Kong
CompanyHirsch Bedner Associates
Lead ArchitectFederico Masin
Design TeamShichao Zhao, Winnie Chan, Liya Kuo, Ewan Irwandy, Melanie Yip
ClientHarbin Zhong Yi Peaceful Real Estate

This project aims to create a space that captures the Client’s deep understanding of Chinese philosophy and aesthetics. Expressive language of the Song Dynasty was comparatively less decorative than of other dynasties – in particular, clothing was restricted to the use of black and white. The utmost restraint in the use of forms and materials, displaying an informal attitude at all times, as if every element was occupying its natural space. The significance of the design shifts, as a result of limited materials and color, completely to the composition, lighting effect, small nuances.