[John Nguyen - Making the Invisible Visible - COVER IMG] Wall section showing prototype's function

Making the Invisible Visible

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Mixed Use Architecture
University/SchoolUniversity of Toronto
Lead ArchitectJohn Nguyen
Design TeamAtaur Rahman Abul Basher

Making the Invisible-Visible is not about the literal sense of seeing, but a metaphor referring to our project as an endeavor to be prepared for an uncertain future, as students of architecture. Our concept is to address this issue by creating a multipurpose device through a workflow that leverages Daylight as the main driver to help improve efficiency in terms of microclimate control, and mitigating exposure to pathogens by controlling how air flows through space. This workflow is demonstrated in our project through a light redirecting device that was created as a result of our investigation.