Landscapes of metabolism: In counterpoint to the old lignite activities, an active nature is envisioned ecologically restored and with new uses of: ecotourism, recreation, culture, sports, renewable energy, culture. / Credits: topio7
“landscapes of metabolism” - Environmental landscape regeneration and productive reintegration of the ex - lignite mines of Aminteo, Greece
PrizeHonorable Mention in Landscape Architecture / Large Scale Landscape Projects
Firm LocationAthens,
Project locationex-lignite mines of Aminteo, Greece
Companytopio7 architects - landscape architects
Lead Architecttopio7 architects - landscape architects
The study area is a deteriorated ex-lignite mine of 2.200ha. The project acts as a strategy in four thematic axes: ecology-landscape restoration, connectivity-circulation, uses-production and landscape identity-past industrial genius loci. The core idea is the creation of a spatial organization system that will give geometry, form and life to the vast and out of scale place, facilitating the interconnection and habitats’ ecological recuperation. The site will recuperate its agricultural identity, and will also offer uses of: ecotourism, recreation, culture, sports, renewable energy, cultural.