[DADA Partners / Studio POD  / GPL Design Studio - Godrej RiverHills - COVER IMG] A Mixed-Use Riverfront neighbourhood that opens up to the city

Godrej RiverHills

PrizeHonorable Mention in Landscape Architecture / Urban Planning
Firm LocationGurgaon, India
CompanyDADA Partners / Studio POD / GPL Design Studio
Lead ArchitectMukul Arora
Design TeamMukul Arora, Anubhav Gupta, Jitesh Donga, Rahul Dubey, Mansi Sahu, Sarfaraz Momin, Diksha Singh, Vanshika Bharaj, Dwaipayan Aich
ClientGodrej Properties

A mixed-use waterfront neighbourhood that opens up to the city RIVERHILL PUNE departs from typical privatized insular typology and instead proposes a bold new highly public open space system for the city - The RiverWalk. This urban-device meaningfully connects the site with the Riverfront and the foothills onto the South. The Mula Riverfront is a collective experience of the Upper waterfront promenade, ecological floodplains and the rivers watersheet. The Heritage metal footbridge, iconic clubhouse and public marketplace act as the anchoring element for this waterfront.