[Wind King Construction Co., Ltd - Uncompromised Beauty - COVER IMG] HONG GI CONSTRUCTION

Uncompromised Beauty

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Residential Architecture - Multi Unit
Firm LocationHsinchu County , Taiwan
CompanyWind King Construction Co., Ltd
Lead ArchitectWei Chen Fang
Design TeamWei Chen Fang, Hata-Lo, Ta Jung Chen

Unlike regular villas, the project is pushed back for 8 meters to allow for an unimpeded view in this lane of 8 meters in width. Light and breeze are thus ushered in. Architectural limitations are removed by the atrium space while the art of architecture is presented through sculptural beauty. To make dwellers amazed at the space, the construction is extremely challenging. The design features light and ventilation. Vegetation goes well with natural light in the outdoor space in the skylight section. The building delicately infuses architectural vocabulary of the real and the unreal.