Češča Vas Pool Complex

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Recreational Architecture
Firm LocationLjubljana, Nazorjeva 6a, Slovenia
Project locationČešča vas, Slovenia
Lead Architect Dean Lah, Milan Tomac
Design TeamDean Lah, Milan Tomac, Jurij Ličen, Nuša Završnik Šilec, Polona Ruparčič, Eva Tomac, Jakob Kajzer, Carlos Cuenca Solana, Sara Ambruš, Sara Mežik
ClientNovo Mesto Municipality

The construction of the new pool complex Češča Vas is envisaged in a space dominated by the existing, recently renovated velodrome. It is our preference not to drastically alter the spatial relationships with the erection of the new swimming pool facility as it would introduce disorder that the space could do without, and further saturate it. The new pool facility thus takes advantage of the topographic properties of the inclined terrain. It is sited as low as possible and does not constitute a new dominant in the space.