Shenzhen Dashahe Riverside Teahouse

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Hospitality Architecture
Firm LocationShanghai, China
CompanyTHDL Team Ran Huo
Lead ArchitectRan Huo
Design TeamShenghui Mao, Xue Zhang, Yimeng Wei, Yueqi Sun

The Teahouse is defined by the trees and paths around it. Three trees of different sizes and shapes are arranged diagonally in the center of the site. Walls and service functions are organized against the trees, protecting the roots and maximizing the indoor area. The building is divided into two connected volumes of different proportions and sizes, which provide different spatial experiences: the space on the north side is relatively homogeneous, providing the possibility of multi-functional activities; the space on the south side is squeezed by trees to a linear shape.