[Zomorrodi and Associates - Zaferanieh Residential Complex  - COVER IMG] Zaferanieh Residential complex

Zaferanieh Residential Complex

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Residential Architecture - Multi Unit
Firm LocationDubai, United Arab Emirates
Project locationTehran,Iran
CompanyZomorrodi and Associates
Lead Architectshahrooz zomorrodi
Design TeamShahrooz zomorrodi , payam alrahman , ana akhlaghi ,ali moravvej , shirin babaei

In process of design our main goal was to create an atmosphere in which the view is accentuated through a breathe of fresh air and use of light. Thus, by making the main void and two clefts and also changing the angle of the project in accordance to the prevailing wind, fresh air has been transferred to all the main spaces. by editing the mentioned void according to the sun path diagram, all the spaces can benefit from the sunlight. we got help from the curve lines on facade to get minimal sound and shadows. the surrounding trees in the environment provide us with a fresh and natural aura.