"...The architect...Through unconventional organization of conventional parts he is able to create new meanings within the whole... Familiar things seen in an unfamiliar context become perceptually new as well as old..." Robert Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture In front of the opportunity about experimentation in a domestic work of a small scale, it's developed a series of essays that constitute the frame theorical-practical of the project, manipulating a traditional element of our constructive culture in search new meanings and possibilities. The work is emplaced in a suburban allotment of CityBell, province of Bs.As wich has a pool and multiple purpose room as a pre-existence. The order is about the construction of four weekend's bedroom, materialized through horizontal and vertical planes of reinforced concrete that determine his bearing structure and spatial. The exterior enclosure of the pavilion it is constituted for self-supporting brick panels of dry construction. The constructive system starts with the basic unit (common brick) disposed in a repetitive way, alternating full and empty inside of a steel frame. As of positioning of "panderete" 55 whole bricks and 22 halves supported each other without mortar, creates a panel of weft half- open that works as a lter of light and protection of intimacy of the habitants. The rhythm generated for the alternation of the pieces, and the silences between them produced a marked uniformity of the enclosure, shaded for the step forward of some singular parts to the composition: the panels that conform to the south facade count on the possibility to scroll allowing linkage of the bedrooms with the outside. The dynamism acquired with the creation of movable panels of brick, submit the material to an unusual behavior, heightening the effect of latent instability to create a new context inside the set to experience capacities that have not been explored.