[Mojo Stumer Associates - Mojo Stumer Associates  - COVER IMG]

Mojo Stumer Associates

PrizeShortlisted in Interior Design / Residential Interior Design
Company SizeMedium
Firm LocationGreenvale , United States
CompanyMojo Stumer Associates

From its inception the firm has been designed to be unique,
combining quality architecture and interior design with complete
project management systems. Founded in 1980 by two partners who came from design backgrounds,
the firm quickly grew and established itself as a leader in the design
field and one of the most highly respected architectural firms in the
country. Since its founding, the firm has won over seventy national
and regional architectural and interior design awards and has
been widely published in national and international books,
periodicals and newspapers. In 2010 MSA will be included in our
first museum show, Modernism on Long Island at the Heckscher
Museum of Art.