Climate mitigation and the revitalization of an agricultural community define the Agriculture + Natural Resources Academy. Providing a growing need for agriculturally based curriculum and co-operative opportunities for local farms, the Coachella Valley High School campus will soon house one of the largest and most technologically advanced agricultural educational facilities in California. Serving as proving grounds for students, the Ag+NRA will provide pathways for students wishing to pursue careers in agriculture and technical sciences. Implementing multiple fundamental design strategies to mitigate the extreme desert environment, the Ag+NRA features extensive use of shade, both passive and active mechanical systems, thermal mass with night ventilation, and daylight-water-wind-solar harvesting. Embracing the FFA motto “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve,” the Ag+NRA will be a valuable asset to students, educators, and the region as a whole.