[HZS Design (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - China Overseas One Sino Residence, Beijing - COVER IMG] China Overseas One Sino Residence, Beijing

China Overseas One Sino Residence, Beijing

PrizeHonorable Mention in Architectural Design / Cultural Architecture
Firm LocationShanghai, China
Project locationBeijing, China
CompanyHZS Design (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Lead ArchitectRenzo Zhang
Design TeamXun Liu、Jiajia Wang、Zhongxin Huang、Wei Han、Xiaoqiong Hu、Hongwei Du、Bin Shao、Zhengming Xiang、Qiudong Guan、Xiaowen Liu、Wen Yang、Kai Zheng、Zhenbin Niu、Chunlei Zhu、Liujun Wu
ClientChina Overseas

China Overseas Property completed construction of this 3,343m2 building in 2020. The project is located in southwest Beijing’s Fengtai district adjacent to the third ring road. Located on a constrained site, the layout and design creates multiple spatial experiences through the integration of architectural and landscape design. The contemporary design of both disciplines incorporates a sense of fashion into the ‘Living Aesthetic Hall’, representing an important leisure cultural facility for this China Overseas Property.