[Chain + Siman - Casa Rancho Avándaro - COVER IMG] Main Façade / ©Rafael Gamo

Casa Rancho Avándaro

Firm LocationMexico City, Mexico
Project locationValle de Bravo, State of Mexico
CompanyChain + Siman
Lead DesignerRenatta Chain, Lina Siman
Design TeamAl Chávez

In the environs of Valle de Bravo, Casa Rancho Avándaro is based on the concept of Mexican haciendas: the solidity and purity of the volumes combine with locally-sourced materials and patios. It consists of three volumes, each one contained by stone walls. At the interior, the stonework has been left exposed where it combines with ironwork features and wood. The feel of each interior space dialogues with the straightforward rusticity of the architecture, giving the home a contemporary and innovative twist, achieving a harmonious combination of luxury, aesthetic appeal, and functionality.