
Firm LocationZürich, Switzerland
CompanyHolzer Kobler Architekturen/zweikant architekturen
Lead ArchitectHolzer Kobler Architekturen/zweikant architekturen
Design TeamBarbara Holzer, Holzer Kobler Architekturen (responsible partner); Tanja Kullack, zweikant architekturen (responsible partner); Andrea Zickhardt, Holzer Kobler Architekturen (project manager); Susanne Ebert, Holzer Kobler Architekturen (responsible project collaborator); Stefanie Hanel, zweikant architekturen (responsible project collaborator)
ClientLindower Straße 18 GmbH

The project on Lindower Strasse in Berlin, designed by Holzer Kobler Architekturen Zurich/Berlin in cooperation with zweikant architekturen (Cologne), is based on the contemporary aspiration of planning and implementing architecture in a sustainable and context-related manner. With new residential and commercial units, existing commercial courtyards in the Berlin district of Wedding were repurposed and expanded, using timber hybrid construction methods.