[Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux | Lemay | NFOE Architectes - Science Complex – MIL Campus - COVER IMG] Stéphane Brügger

Science Complex – MIL Campus

Firm LocationMontreal, Canada
Project locationMontreal, Canada
CompanyMenkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux | Lemay | NFOE Architectes
Lead DesignerAnik Shooner
Design TeamLead Architectural Designer: Jean-Pierre LeTourneux / Assistant Architectural designers: Pierre E. Leclerc and Claudio Nunez / Laboratory Specialist Architect: Alan Orton / Assistant Project Manager: Catherine Bélanger / Partner in charge: Pierre Larouche
ClientUniversité de Montréal

This first pavilion of the new MIL Campus of the Université de Montréal hosts the Chemistry, Physics, Geography and Biological Sciences Departments. Located on the site of a former marshalling yard, this 60,000 m² science complex, certified LEED Gold, is a true social project, an environment that encourages exchange and collaboration. The spaces, equipped with the latest technologies, have been designed to stimulate interdisciplinarity, interactivity and pedagogical innovation, and integrate public spaces as well as formal and informal meeting places as catalysts for creativity.