The project is a photography studio complex for a young photographer who specializes in automobile, product and fashion photography. The premise, which was earlier an unused factory complex in an abandoned and dilapidated state, had to be converted into the studio complex while maintaining the footprints of the existing structures, as the area was in a no-development zone. The complex comprised of a factory shed, a servants' quarters and a watchman's cabin with some unused spaces in between each structure. These unused spaces were used to create transitional and interactive spaces which connected the complex with a single architectural language. The user status of the factory complex had to be elevated from a defunct unused premise to an aesthetically appealing photo studio with a stimulating environment for the commercial photographer. The alterations needed to be low cost, simple and earthy and had to fulfill the photographer’s requirement of interesting backdrops for fashion photography whenever required. The project needed to merge interiors and architecture and needed to have the same theme flowing throughout the space, making it look larger and roomier.