Situated in front of the Busan Rail Station in Dong District of Busan Metropolitan City, Korea, the project is part of a larger public works project aimed to revitalize the original downtown area of the City. Covering over 3.12-square kilometer area with total budget of 28 billion KRW, the project aimed to develop a strategy for efficient utilization of the area surrounding the Busan station and to connect the station with larger original downtown area with new activities. The design for Busan Rail Station Square imagined a new type of urban space. The conceptual design began with an idea of creating a place for all and envisioned the following - a place where gently sloped green hills and vast open space invite people to rest and play, a place where a floating park provides protection from the harsh sun on a hot summer’s day and pouring rain on a cold winter’s night, and a place where underneath the floating park’s greenery and soft light hosts a place for nourishment, learning and communication.