[Rangr Studio Architecture - Berkeley Chess School - COVER IMG] Matthew Millman Photography

Berkeley Chess School

Firm LocationBerkeley, United States
CompanyRangr Studio Architecture
Lead ArchitectJasmit Rangr
Design TeamZachary Whiteman, Kevin Han
ClientElizabeth Shaughnessy, Founder, Berkeley Chess School

Rangr Studio’s addition to the Berkeley Chess School’s existing building provides ADA access, a cafe and new classroom. To stay within the non-profit’s budget, so we got to thinking “what can we do with small (inexpensive) glass?” The idea of a chessboard facade came immediately to mind. Inexpensive to build, a storefront wall uses ordinary tinted and translucent panes of glass to create the image of a chessboard. Visitors, students and teachers enter the building at the side of the facade, behind the chessboard window, metaphorically and literally entering the world of chess.