[Wanqi Zhou - Fishing for Bikes: Architecture Solutions for Homelessness, Managed Parking, and Street Culture in Amsterdam - COVER IMG] Mapping of bicycles and homeless people in Amsterdam/Wanqi Zhou

Fishing for Bikes: Architecture Solutions for Homelessness, Managed Parking, and Street Culture in Amsterdam

PrizeHonorable Mention in Landscape Architecture / Public Landscape
Project locationAmsterdam
University/SchoolDalian University of Technology
Lead ArchitectWanqi Zhou
Design TeamJiayu Tao, Xinting Ye, Kangshu Wen, Mingze Chen, Yizhuo Zhang

Most bicycles in Amsterdam fall into canals for crazy wind and the drunken and homeless abreacting, indicating an unideal street perception owing to chaotic bicycle parking and the homeless wandering and sleeping rough. The dense urban texture of Amsterdam leads the project to proceed from in-between spaces interspersed through the city, like narrow lane, road junction and spaces between road and building facade. With residents encouraged to co-create the city, these unnoticed spaces are embedded in different functional scenarios.