The Architecture MasterPrize – Firm of the Year Award
The Firm of the Year Award recognizes the excellence of inspiring and innovative architecture, interior, and landscape design firms around the globe based on their overall achievements during their lifetime.
The Firm of the Year Award honors the total body of work of small, medium, and large companies in their own categories based on firm size and area of expertise. The AMP team and jury have created the most comprehensive award structure that ensures that firm resources and specialization are taken into consideration.
The Architecture MasterPrize is aimed to be one of the most respected awards in the industry, showcasing the phenomenal talent and vision displayed by architects all over the world. The Architecture MasterPrize is built on a passion for architecture that has acted as a catalyst to reward the very best work from architects across the globe.
We believe great architecture is about creating a lasting design that will remain for generations while inspiring people and enriching their lives. Innovative buildings, designs and landscapes can help redesign the way we live our lives for the better and enable us to make the most of the space we have.
Winners will enjoy world-wide media attention, publicity, inclusion in the press campaign, and receive the AMP Firm of the Year Trophy, invitation to the winners event, among other benefits.
Submissions are open to firms based anywhere in the world.
Early Entry deadline (-25% discount): February 28, 2025
Extended Early Entry deadline (-20% discount):
April 30, 2025
Regular Deadline (-10% discount): June 30, 2025
Final Deadline: September 30, 2025
Enter your firm here
The Architecture MasterPrize – Firm of the Year Award distinguishes companies based on the size of their teams and their specialty. Multi-disciplinary firms are encouraged to submit portfolios to more than one category.
Company Sizes
- Small (less than 10 employees)
- Medium (10 to 49 employees)
- Large (50 or more employees)
- Architecture
- Interior Design
- Landscape and Urban Design
- Multi-Disciplinary
- Residential
- Commercial & Industrial
- Institutional
- Sustainability
Awards and Promotion
The “AMP Firm of the Year” winners will have their portfolio showcased to a worldwide audience, receive the AMP Trophy, and enjoy extensive publicity throughout the following year.
- Invitation to the Winners Event
- The Firm of the Year Trophy
- Inclusion in the press campaign directed to hundreds of thousands of design professionals, press, and potential clients worldwide
- Inclusion in the Firm of the Year Book which is distributed globally
- Online Winners Certificate and Winners Seal to promote winning online and in printed material.
Enter your firm now
Submission Details
Companies are required to submit the following information:
- Summary of company history, achievements, contribution to field of work (Required)
- Work highlights and most significant projects (Required)
- Optional supporting materials: Publicity & press coverage, full list of awards and prizes, information on company culture and team, notable architects & designers, sustainability practices & community contribution, project and client list, and any other supporting materials.
There is an option to fill out an online form on our submission platform or to upload one PDF with all the relevant information. The PDF can be utilized freely to best represent the firm’s achievements. Formatting requirements: A4/US Letter sized with a maximum size of 20MB.
Please see the detailed submission requirements and the most frequently asked questions here.
The Jury evaluates the firms’ body of work on 3 dimensions:
- Design Excellence refers to the quality and aesthetic of the designed form and structure of the firm’s projects. Do the projects express their purpose and function in a meaningful and visually interesting way? How are the buildings related to their surroundings? Do the designs show a sense of timelessness? Do the designs delight, surprise or inspire?
- Innovation & Contribution refers to the new technologies, special solutions that the firm uses to solve problems, and achieve the goals and purpose of the projects. Projects that improve on old solutions, use new ideas, and incorporate cutting-edge sustainability practices are considered innovative.
- Expertise refers to the firms ability to carry out complex projects effectively. The firm is able to unify multiple areas of knowledge and fit together specific areas of know-how. Expertise also refers to proof of public recognition: awards, achievements and positive publicity.
The award program is open to architecture firms and design companies globally. Entrants should be able to showcase a body of work over at least a 5 year period.
Register your firm here.
Deadlines and Submission fees
Entry fees are calculated based on firm size, categories entered, and discounts based on deadlines.
Please create an account to calculate your exact entry fees. Smaller firms, or firms with special focus enjoy great discounts.
Small firms (less than 10 employees): from $340
Medium firms (10 – 49 employees): from $390
Large firms (49+ employees): from $440
Early Entry deadline (-25% discount): February 28, 2025
Extended Early Entry deadline (-20% discount):
April 30, 2025
Regular Deadline (-10% discount): June 30, 2025
Final Deadline: September 30, 2025
Please refer to the FAQ page for more details.