Portrait of César Béjar, architect and photographer.

César Béjar

César Béjar Studio / Founder

César Béjar is graduated as an architect from the University of Guadalajara in 2015, with studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid; he is founder of César Béjar Studio, where he focuses on the design and development of architectural projects, as as well as architectural photography. The aesthetic of his photography and his work as an architect is the result of this dual practice that nurtures reciprocally.

His photographic documentation includes architectural projects in Mexico, United States and European countries with important architects worldwide. His photography has been published in printed and digital magazines around the world such as Gustavo Gili, Casa Bella, The Architectural Review, A.MAG, The New York Times and the cover of El Croquis magazine.

He currently develops architectural projects in the Mexican Pacific, Los Cabos, Riviera Maya, Guadalajara, Culiacán, among
others. His architecture is an expression of contemporary Mexico strongly rooted in Mexican traditions and its vernacular link with the trade.

As an architect and photographer, he has imparted conferences and workshops throughout the country and in Seville, Spain.

He has exhibited his work as a photographer in galleries in Guadalajara, Cancun, Mexico City and the Crown Hall of Mies van der Rohe in Chicago in 2016 and 2017.